It is fair to say that the world has been very hard hit by the coronavirus epidemic. Businesses have been shut down and workers furloughed and this holds true for the car industry as much as any other. The automotive industry is one of the driving forces behind the global economy so when vehicle manufacturing plants are mothballed and production reduced almost to zero, it is going to take some time for car makers to recover. The good news is - and it is always subject to future events and any further outbreaks - that automotive business leaders believe that recovery will be swift. Let us all hope so for so many reasons.

Buying Cars Now

Buying Cars Now

Slowly but surely car dealers are re-opening showrooms and forecourts for the sale of new and used cars. Very quickly, whole populations have established ways in which we can, to a certain extent at least, stay safe and help others to do the same. That is why there should be no reason, for example, to worry about importing a new car from Japan.

Cars that are loaned to the world's press for evaluation are delivered sanitised and the same can be said for cars purchased online, new or pre-owned. There is no evidence to suggest that a vehicle properly prepared for export or delivery will present any danger to potential buyers.

Remote buying and contactless delivery is, as they say, part of the 'new normal'. Online buying is right on trend just now thanks to internet and video links, plus simplified purchasing processes with trusted finance providers. There is no need to worry; life and commerce goes on as we all come to terms with how we live.

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Is An Imported Car Safe?

With car ownership, the only people likely to be using the vehicle are the driver, friends and family. Provided no-one is showing any symptoms of the virus, then it is logical to treat it like an extension of your home and clean it appropriately, especially on the inside and maintaining hygiene standards.

In the United Kingdom the public health advice is clear: “All surfaces that the symptomatic person has come into contact with must be cleaned and disinfected, especially high-contact areas”. There is no reason to suppose that imported vehicles from Japan or anywhere else would not be subject to similar rules.

Although production of new vehicles in Japan has fallen considerably because of virus precautions and weak global demand, there is no shortage worldwide of best quality used stock and Japan is no different.

Japanese drivers, who import vehicles from Europe as well as being home to some of the biggest producers, use the right hand side of the road just like, surprisingly, 65% of the rest of the world. Japan also has some of the most stringent vehicle regulations globally which means that used car stock is properly maintained and the vehicles can be purchased and imported with confidence.

MHH Japanese Cars offers a very wide variety of vehicles available for import, including models variants of the cars featured in our images. It's just a question of choosing the right car to do the job. So don't be concerned about importing during these difficult times; just take the right precautions as recommended.

Get in touch with us here at MHH Japanese Cars for more details.

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